My Process

1. Free 30-Minute Consultation Call

  • We’ll discuss your needs, goals, and vision for your space.
  • I’ll also request images and dimensions of the area to better understand the scope of the project.

2. Email Recap

  • After our call, I’ll send an email summarizing our conversation. This will include a proposal and a detailed estimate.

3. Contract & Payment Details

  • Once you’re ready to move forward, I’ll send a contract for your signature and securely collect your credit card information to have on file.

4. Action Plan

  • I’ll create a personalized action plan outlining the steps we’ll take to transform your space.

5. Solidify Session Dates

  • We’ll coordinate and finalize the dates for your session(s).

6. Session(s)

  • During the scheduled session(s), we’ll work together to declutter, organize, and design your space.

7. Final Payment

  • Payment will be processed at the end of the session(s).
  • If the work is spread across multiple days, payment will be charged at the end of each day.